welcome :)

super, thats how i feel today. its long weekend and im going to ministry on sunday - bonza.

almost 21 years ago i took my first breath, opened my eyes to the world, greeted by my mum, dad, and two older brothers for the first time.
now here i am, ive made it this far.

i don't know what anyone is expecting to learn from this page, so i will just ramble..

i have a pretty mint circle of friends, ive got a cool flat (and flatties) with two kitties, i work with some awesome people and right now, im having an email war with one of our employees.

ive worked with computers since i left school, starting off as a computer techo, then working for an ISP helpdesk, now im a network administrator for an australasian company based in auckland. i love my job.

something else i really enjoy doing is going to dance parties, there's nothing greater than feeling close to your friends, everyone smiling and jumping about the room.. safe as fuck :) hence why im so excited about sunday nite, the last party i went to was slinky at alexandra park.. that was mint, just a bit crowded.

"leave your ego's at the door"

<moving on>

so ive been living in auckland for two years, when i first moved here i was living with jason and his boyfriend, and robbie. robbie's place was cool, it's always under construction tho.. so there is no kitchen hehe.

prior to that i was living in cambridge, this of course was after my parents decided to ship my younger brother and i off to new zealand with them.
why would you give up sunny weather and the beach for new zealand? mind you, i dont regret coming here now, ive met some of the best people ever.

it's changed my life. there would be so many things i would possibly still be blind to.. pro's and con's i guess.

i can't wait to move back to australia now tho, im looking forward to spending endless weekends at the beach, getting a tan, and smokin some bud :D
yeah, so im pretty excited and hanging out for february to come 'round.

hmm, i have no idea what else to write on here..

so thats me!


main menu>> josh >> his car >> tha boyz (and girlz) >> other stuff </end>


updated 05.10.2001