heyhey::these are mah friendz::

ok, so now i get around to doin this part of my site.. after like, about 5-6 months ;) biiiiiite meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

my friendz ^^ a diverse range of amazing people with super human powers (well.. maybe not) each with their own idea, opinion, outlook.

the past 5 years here in new zealand have been truely awesome :) i have met; not only partners in crime *g* but best friends through and through. these people know who they are.. so i'm not going to make a list :D hell no.. it'll be too big.

>>buuut.. i'd like to make a shout out too these>>

red, jhoc, jaeson, stephinat0r, monster, boon, neek!, titto and shellder, kelly n drew, adam and GRIMACE!!, dan, aaron (you two gti buffs!) jonathon, damien, min, wayne(us), ricky, rorz, bev and bobby, james (bc) and miiiiiike!! (bc) oh yeah.. also sarah (supachic) maxx (ckrewt)

can't forget my workmates :P travy and david.. you guys are too cool.

there are more people.. just can't think who they are right now :P but you all better know you are da -- bomb.

i'll put some pix up soon>> probably from my party in two weeks time (wishful thinking)

and to end all things with a good quote: "it is no measure of health to be adjusted to a profoundly sick society"


main menu >> josh >> his car >> da boyz (and girlz) >> other stuff </end>